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 Skilled Visa 
The Australian General Skilled Migration Program (GSM) is designed for professionals who have skills in a particular occupation which required in Australia.  There are a few options for skill migration programs to Australia including permanent and temporary.  This program allows skilled migrants to migrate with their families to Australia.
 Student Visas 
Studying in Australia is getting popular these days.  The ranking of the Australian universities is raising in the recent years.  Apart from universities, there are other studying programs available such as ELS programs and vocational training programs.
It is necessary to determine the assessment level before choosing the appropriate course to study in order to apply for a visa and begin the student life in Australia. 
 Work Visa 
With the employer sponsorship, there different types of work visa available including permanent and temporary.  By going through Employment Nomination Scheme (ENS) or the Regional Skilled Migration Scheme (RSMS), you can obtain permanent work visas.  There is another option for Temporary Skill Shortage visa.  Both visas can include dependent family members in the application.
 Partner and Family 
Family reunion including partner, parents and remaining relatives can be sponsored by Australian citizen or permanent resident.  There are different options and pathways for this family visas, please contact us to find out the most suitable visa type for you.

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